We need to have unwavering faith no matter what the circumstances. We live in a world that is constantly trying to undermine our faith. The enemy is trying to get us to turn back from our destiny. The walk of faith is not an easy walk, but it is a…
Many Christians struggle with the concept of what it means to live by faith. Does that mean that we quit our jobs and pray and read the Bible all day? I don’t think that is a viable solution for everyone. To me, living by faith is a relational issue that…
Message about the Armor of God by Pastor Denise Gray.
Have you ever had trouble understanding the Bible. Some things in the Word are just hard to grasp based on face value. That is where faith comes in. The problem arises when we try to understand spiritual things with our natural mind. The Bible says the natural man cannot understand…
In the Bible, there are roughly 500 verses on prayer, 350 verses on faith, 650 verses on love, 600 verses on heaven, and money is mentioned around 2350 times. Nearly 25% of Jesus’ parables was about money. So, we can see that God wants us to be wise when it…