Monday – Day 2 of Holy Week
Matt. 21:12-13 Today Jesus went to the Temple to take care of some business. What started off as a good idea had turned bad. Instead of having to haul your own animal to the Temple for sacrifice, you could purchase one from the Temple. This made a long journey somewhat easier.
Here comes the good idea gone bad part. You could not use secular money to purchase the animal. You had to exchange your money and use Temple currency. Secular money had inscriptions of false gods on it so it was considered unholy. The corrupt priests were ripping people off with the exchange rate. They had the people over the barrel. Jesus hates it when people rip other people off, especially in the name of God. This is a perfect picture of what religion is like. Religion puts people in bondage and uses them. Jesus came to set us free. As a minister of the gospel it is my job to show people how easy it is to come to Jesus rather than put stumbling blocks in their way. I want to be clear with this. In no way am I bashing the Church. I am speaking against the religious spirits that has infiltrated the Church. We must make sure we are helping the cause of Christ rather than just getting in the way.
Matt. 21:14 Another thing Jesus did today was healing people. Even though Jesus knew He only had a little time left on earth, He made time for others. Don’t ever think that Jesus is to busy for you. He will make time for each of us. I think the real question here is, “Are we to busy for Him”. God’s Blessings, Pastor Brad