Wednesday -Day 4 of Holy Week
Jesus isn’t really mentioned in the gospels today. He probably pulled away for some much needed rest. #1 He need to rest from the last several days of ministry. #2 He was getting ready for the home stretch.
There are days we need to do the same. If the Creator of the heavens and earth who had the Spirit without measure needed rest sometimes, shouldn’t we clear our schedules for some restoration time?
What I also see from the fact that Jesus isn’t mentioned on Wednesday, is that there are times in our life when we wonder where Jesus is. We are under attack from the devil, our prayers seem to fall to the ground when they leave our lips, and we feel abandoned. That is when we must walk by faith. Feelings lie to us. He is there. He is always there. The Bible says He will never leave us or forsake us. Pull out some worship music and praise your way back into His presence.
Matt. 26:14-16 Jesus wasn’t mentioned on Wednesday but Judas was. While Jesus was away the devil came to play. Satan entered into the heart of Judas and enticed him to sell out our Lord. How would you like to go through eternity knowing you were “that guy”. I suppose that is why he hung himself. 30 pieces of silver, or around 120 days wages. The sad thing is there are some of us who has denied Him for a lot less. We maybe never sold Him out, but we have sold ourselves out by denying Him at a critical time. Maybe we were afraid or ashamed to testify for Him. We just wanted to fit in. All I have learned is repent and go on. Thank God for the blood of Jesus and the ability to be washed clean. I am so glad for my fresh start, I hope you are to. God’s Blessings, Pastor Brad