Church in the Park: Sunday, August 30th at City Park. Church Service will begin at 10:30. Wear something comfortable for a Picnic and fellowship following the Service. City Park has: a play ground, tennis courts, basketball court, & Frisbee Golf. Things to bring: Lawn chairs, blanket, sun screen, cooler of extra drinks, Frisbees, B-ball, tennis rackets & balls, a side dish, fruit or dessert to share. Things the Church will provide: Pulled Pork, hot dogs, buns, ketchup, mustard, barbecue sauce, Plates, cups, silverware, 5 gal. of Lemonade, 5 gal. of Ice Water, a Frisbee Golf tournament and some extra games for adults and kids to play. It is going to be a Wonderful time of Worship and Family fun. Invite: a family that doesn’t have a church to come and join our Church Family. WE ARE BETTER TOGETHER!