Last week we looked at how we need guidance, acceptance, as well as the inner witness in our life. If we are going to survive in the Last Days, we need to get to know the Inward Witness which is the Spirit of God. God devised a plan long ago…
Have you ever taken the wrong road and ended up not where you wanted to be? I remember one time missing my exit and having to drive an extra 3 hours before I could get back on track. Life can be like that. We can easily miss a turn be…
We are excited to be able to get back together and fellowship with each other as well as worship the Lord. That feeling of being connected to something bigger that our self is liberating. Some things are ok to do alone, and somethings are not. Church was never meant to…
Many people think the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament are two different Gods. (or maybe a strong case of good cop-bad cop going on) Some think the God of the Old Testament was mean and distant while the God of the New Testament…
We all have played hide and seek as a kid. All of us have probably had a secret hiding place. That place where we could go, and no one could find us. David had to have secret hiding places where could get away from King Saul. The Book of Psalms…