Leading People to Where God Wants Them to Be

Sermons by Brad Gray (Page 46)

20/20 Vision #2

Have you ever looked at a situation and you got it all wrong?  You thought you saw something a certain way and come to find out you were wrong.  It was the opposite.  Kind of like an umpire that forgot his glasses.  You called it a strike, but it was…

20/20 Vision

Have you ever been working on something and just seemed like your progress was stalled?  Maybe you were tired or just not motivated.  Sometimes you need a fresh perspective or a fresh set of eyes.  I think our walk with the Lord can feel that way sometimes.  To me, a…

The Big Ask

Has someone ever asked you for something big?  Like, could I have a kidney big.  We all get asked for favors from time to time.  Could you let my dog out or maybe pick my kid up from school?   Every now and then, we can get asked something big.  Some…