Leading People to Where God Wants Them to Be

Sermons by Brad Gray (Page 64)

Make Disciples #2

How do you rate success in life?  Is it by what you own? Or shall we say what owns you.  Do you qualify your statements by the bank and I own this, or the bank and I own that?  Perhaps instead, you measure success by wanting to live a life…

Talking With God #4

Prayer is just talking with our Heavenly Father.  Sometimes it is hard to start the conversation.  What do I say?  I say, just what is on your heart.  In the beginning we are like toddlers and just know how to ask for things.  He is just looked at as our…

Talking With God #3

Do you have a special place you like to go, perhaps to just get away from everything?  Maybe to unwind, get restored, or just have some fun.  Certain places carry an atmosphere.  Certain restaurants are feel cold and uninviting while other are warm and intimate.  I think we all like…