Leading People to Where God Wants Them to Be

Sermons by Brad Gray (Page 71)

Questions #4

How do I know if I am saved?  Can anyone really know this side of eternity?  I have found that people who ask if they are saved or not usually are not……  Just kidding.  The Lord wants us to settle this in our heart while the devil doesn’t want us…

Questions #3

Week one we looked at the question “what do you do when you don’t know what to do”.  Last week we covered why do bad things happen to god people.  This week we will look at the question, what happens to us when we die?  Death can be a scary…

Questions #2

Why? Why is this happening to me?  What did I do to ever deserve this?  Big questions that only a big God can answer.  Many times we base relationship on experience rather than truth.  We follow the wind rather than being firmly planted.


What do you do when you don’t know what to do?  That ranks up there with “to be or not to be”.  There are going to be silent spots in our walk with God from time to time.  It is kind of like our wilderness experience.  These times can turn…