Leading People to Where God Wants Them to Be

Sermons by Brad Gray (Page 84)

Journey of Faith

Life is a journey.  It is one big trip.  There is always a change of scenery going on.  Sometimes the trip is comfortable and sometimes it is hard.  Sometimes we know where we are at and sometimes we don’t even know where we are going.    Still we press on.  The…

Importance of Faith

Have you ever wondered what your faith level is?  Are you half full or half empty?  It is the same measurement but it shows if we are going forward or going backward.  Life’s battles can take its toll on our faith.  We need to stay built up so we can…

Water Baptism

Today we are going to unravel some of the mystery surrounding water baptism.  What spiritual thing can happen by being dunked underwater?  Water baptism can be both a connect point and a release point.  A place of identification and a place to release our faith.  Water Baptism can also close…

Spiritual Understanding #4

Have you ever ran into somebody that was so smart that they were stupid?  Information is important but not as important as the ability to use information for the common good.  There are two systems working simultaneously in the world today.  God’s system and the world’s  or satan’s system.  If…