The word faith is both a noun and a verb. “The faith” is a noun which means we are a Christian or a follower of Christ. This means we are a member of the Faith. Faith is also a verb. We need to walk in faith and this kind of…
The word faith is both a noun and a verb. “The faith” is a noun which means we are a Christian or a follower of Christ. This means we are a member of the Faith. Faith is also a verb. We need to walk in faith and this kind of…
Have you ever felt like quitting? It just seems too hard to finish the job. The thing is, when we quit, we will not get the blessing. That is what was happening here. Christians were throwing in the towel before they received the blessing. They were starting to make choices…
Do we consider ourselves the kind of person that people can depend on? Responsibility grows with dependability. We need to be a “the buck stops here” kind of person. Commitment creates opportunity. It is our daily decisions that determine our destiny. What kind of Christian do we want to be? …
We all probably know what the Lord has called us out of but what has He called us into. Each of us has a calling. It is up to us to walk in that calling. The God of more has made us for more. We need to step out if…
Have you ever considered yourself a work of art? God considers us a masterpiece. If we want to get the revelation that we were made for more, then we need to see ourselves as God sees us. Sometimes we can be our worst enemy and cut ourselves down. There needs…