Are we living less or are we living large? Our Father God is not some skimpy dictator that wants us to just scrape by in all areas of our life. He did not go to great extremes in redeeming us to then put us in bondage to a life of…
Are we living less or are we living large? Our Father God is not some skimpy dictator that wants us to just scrape by in all areas of our life. He did not go to great extremes in redeeming us to then put us in bondage to a life of…
The bodily resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ defies logic and transcends the human experience. We celebrate it as the day that death died. It has defined Christianity as the Religion of the Open Tomb. Death could not beat Him, and the grave could not hold Him. Jesus is alive.
We are going to look today at Palm Sunday which can really be called Psalm Sunday. On Jesus’ way to Jerusalem, a Praise and Worship Service broke out. Spontaneous Praise came out of the people’s mouths. They could not contain it.
We never appreciate light as much as when a storm knocks out the electricity. Fumbling around looking for a flashlight to only find the batteries are dead. Light is something we all depend on in life. We live in a world that is looking for light. Many try and find…
Have you ever made a meal and it seemed like something was missing? It was tasteless. So you try and add different spices trying to spruce it up but it is still missing that one ingredient, salt. Something simple like salt can make all the difference. It is like that…