It is a bummer when we have to learn the hard way. We live in a world that hates Jesus and we are caught in the middle. The Lord said there will be tribulation in this world. Jesus wants us to learn how to be an overcomer.
We are going to be looking at the Lord’s letters to the seven churches in the Book of Revelation. Theses letters were written to seven specific churches of that day, but also, we can glean some insights to help our church today.
When was the last time you checked your honor tank? Are you honoring those around you? Are you honoring yourself? Today’s sermons will give some practical advice on how to honor those around us, even when we might disagree with them.
It is hard to live in the supernatural when we only focus on the natural. We live in a world that is looking for spiritual things but looking for them in unspiritual ways. We need to focus more on God the holy Ghost. He lives inside of every believer. We…