Sometimes we can misunderstand the situation. Due to certain biases, we can totally miss the main point. I like the old Taco Bell saying, “think outside the bun”. We need fresh eyes and an open heart if we desire a different outcome. That is where God comes in. God gave…
Sometimes I think thinking is taken for granted. Our thought life is especially important. We are all either victims or victors. Victims or victors of our thought life. The devil works extremely hard to make sure think about the wrong things. Our destiny is our destination, and our thought life…
Memorial Day is about remembering those who have died. We honor those who paid the ultimate price. Their life in exchange for our freedom. American blood has been shed to fight against big government control, communism, socialism, slavery, and evil religious ideologies. On Memorial Day we honor those who chose…
Have you ever felt like, “God, how could You ever use me”? Maybe we do not feel like we are smart enough or good enough. We enter the comparison game and try and rank ourselves against other people in the Church. The Lord tells us to “consider our calling”. What…