Do you ever get stressed out about finances? We all can from time to time. More month than money happens every now and then. God knows we need money to pay our bills. We just need to get into His flow on the way He does things. The passage we…
Do you ever get stressed out about finances? We all can from time to time. More month than money happens every now and then. God knows we need money to pay our bills. We just need to get into His flow on the way He does things. The passage we…
We all want to get into physical shape, but what about financial shape. People say money talks, usually it says good-bye. Once we get to the place that money is just a tool and not our life, we will be well on the road to recovery. Rich people are not…
Love is one of those things in life that is hard to explain. Love starts as a feeling but then we find out that love also must be a decision. We can’t just live by feelings, we must live by decisions. The right decisions will bring the feelings back in…
Sometimes we live with regrets. Sad but the things we have done wrong stick out more than the things we have done right. Today we are going to think about a life worth remembering. Finding God’s purpose for our life and then live for that purpose is a game changer. …
Do you ever feel like sometimes God is working against you? When things don’t go our way, we need to blame someone, so we blame God. After all, He is in control right. Sometimes we think following God should always be easy and not have any problems come our way. …