There are laws of the Sprit and there are laws of the flesh. We operate by these laws on a daily basis. We are born to the things of the flesh and born again into the things of the Spirit. It is up to us which laws we choose to…
There are laws of the Sprit and there are laws of the flesh. We operate by these laws on a daily basis. We are born to the things of the flesh and born again into the things of the Spirit. It is up to us which laws we choose to…
Does anyone have trouble with their old nature cropping up every now and then? The Apostle Paul had this same problem, so we are in good company. We are going to look today at how we need to die to sin because sin does not die to us.
There is a difference between self-righteousness and the righteousness of God. One is by works and the other is acquired by faith. One tries to save themselves while the other trusts in God. Oen is based on feelings and the other is based on faith. The faith walk is sometimes…
We are going to look today at a concept that is very crucial to us walking in victory. It is a revelation that will bring a breakthrough to your life. Without this revelation a person is doomed to a life of mediocrity. God has called us for more but to…
As we mentioned last week, this was one of the apostle Paul’s masterpieces. He covered many different major doctrinal topics in this letter. Being an apostle, Paul was big on laying a good foundation. He was addressing both Jewish and non-Jewish Christians in this letter and we need to understand…