Leading People to Where God Wants Them to Be

Sermons on Salvation (Page 3)

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The Cross

To carry the cross ties in two major thoughts.  Journey and destination.  Where am, I going and how do I get there?  No follower of Christ has ever saw both the starting and ending place when they started their journey.  Yet, we plod on.  Some call it blind faith, but…

Living In Christ #2

Remember when you were a young child and you couldn’t wait to grow up.  Now that you are older you wish you were a kid again.  Life has a lot of ups and downs and a lot of twists and turns.  Growing up is just one of those things that…

Living in Christ

Have you ever had someone break a promise to you?  We all have.  Broken promises can really hurt.  Sometimes it makes it hard for us to trust.  Being able to trust is very important.  Trust is the foundation for any solid relationship.  When we trust someone, we open ourselves up…