Christmas is a time of hope. We celebrate the 1st Coming of Christ. Something about a baby in a manger gets to all of us. Deep inside, we also hope for His 2nd coming. The first time Jesus came was to start His Church. The 2nd time He comes will…
Have you ever gotten into a funk? Just seems like a dark cloud is always following you around. We can either wait for the weather to change or we can take God at His Word and change the forecast. God will pass over a whole lot of people to find…
Given everything going on these days, has it become harder and harder to be a happy camper? To be honest none of us are as thankful as we should be. We tend to focus on the negative things going on in our life. That is why the news on TV…
Deep down inside we have something stirring us for more of God. God has a perfect plan for our life. Me 2.0 is about leaving the old behind and embracing the new. The new you that was recreated for greater things. Life can get complicated and we need to learn…
We all have the same opportunity to be a better version of ourselves The Bible tells us that when we become a Christian that we become new. The problem is that sometimes we don’t act new, but we just try and be a better version of the old me. Me…