Leading People to Where God Wants Them to Be

Sermons on Spiritual Growth (Page 56)

The Call

What would your response be if I told you that God has a call on your life?  We all would probably agree that we know God has called us out of sin.  But what has He called us into?  Does God have a specific plan for our life?

Words of Wisdom #2

Walking in wisdom is walking with God.  If we don’t resist it, we can learn a lot of great things in our journey through life.  To do this, we need to get out of survive mode and get into thrive mode.  We have to want to get better at all…

Words of Wisdom

We all have to assume a large portion of the responsibility on how our life is going.  Things do happen out of our control but, yet we still have the ability to turn things around.  We just need to tap into the power of God and the potential He has…