Don’t you hate it when someone tells you “what” to do but not “why” you have to do it that way. I like to know the why, so I can buy in to the project. I think knowing the why will drive us to excellence. It shows us what we…
Don’t you hate it when someone tells you “what” to do but not “why” you have to do it that way. I like to know the why, so I can buy in to the project. I think knowing the why will drive us to excellence. It shows us what we…
If someone asked you, “What is God doing in your life”? What would you say? Hopefully you wouldn’t say I don’t know. How it is supposed to work, is either God is doing something to us, or God is doing something through us. Maybe even both at the same time. …
Have you ever considered yourself a work of art or do you let the devil make you believe you are a piece of garbage? If God went to all the trouble saving us, don’t you think He may have a purpose for our lives? Our original purpose may not be…
Have you ever considered that the words we speak reveal what is in our heart? How about the fact that words have an affect on our destiny? Words are important because they are the driving force that form our belief system. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words…
Did you know that getting saved and getting healed takes the same kind of faith? One defies logic and the other denies feelings. Sin sickness and disease was introduced all at the same time to mankind……. When Adam and Eve sinned. We have been trying to cure ourselves since. Truth…