Do you find it hard to keep all your promises? I think we want to keep them….. but sometimes circumstances change. We change. Before I was saved, A friend of mine and I promised we would drink some Jack Daniels on the others grave when one of us went first. …
We live in a day where we are all looking for a big discount. Who really wants to pay full price? We are all looking to get the most while paying the least. That is why we are bombarded with sale after sale advertisement. Some have tried to turn Thanksgiving,…
Don’t you hate it when you are cooking an egg and it sticks to the pan? I like my eggs over medium and when they stick the yoke breaks and that’s no joke to me. Have you ever wondered why bad stuff seems to stick to you sometimes? Sometimes we…
How many people here have had to use hand me down clothes? I’m not talking about the good stuff you get at a garage sale from a stranger. I’m talking about the stuff you get from a sibling or another family member. We are going today to look at “Hand…