Leading People to Where God Wants Them to Be

Sermons on Spiritual Growth (Page 78)

The Word

What level of importance do you place upon the Word of God?  Does it have value?  Sometimes we only do things that we know will give us something back in return.  Did you know the Word is profitable?  For 1500 years the Jewish nation were the only beneficiaries of the…


Have you ever just felt wore out?  I mean exhausted.  I think emotional exhaustion is the worst.  Stress is a robber.  Robs our faith, joy and peace.  Jesus gave us a three step process to find rest.

Sin #4

Sin is destructive.  Though it may seem pleasurable for a season, it never ends good.  Sometimes we think sin is sin and all sin is the same in God’s eyes.  It is and it isn’t.  We are going to explore this thought today.

Sin #3

Many times we under estimate the devastating consequences of sin in our lives.  We have a tendency to grade ourselves on the curve.  We can always find somebody else worse off than us to make ourselves look better.  That is a self-protection mechanism we impose so we don’t have to…