Has anyone here ever felt like you inherited a problem? You seem to be doing it all right, yet, it seems that things are going all wrong. We just can’t seem to shake off a certain cloud out of our life. I don’t buy that “God is trying to teach…
Sometimes does it feel like that no matter what you do, you just can’t shake the devil in a certain area of your life. You’re not alone, many feel the same way. God has set before us life and death or the blessing and the curse. To many people settle…
You can’t have your cake and eat it too. And, we cannot have the best of both worlds all the time. The cross is a place of separation. There is this side of Calvary, and there is that side of Calvary. Both represent two different worlds for us. The world…
To carry the cross ties in two major thoughts. Journey and destination. Where am, I going and how do I get there? No follower of Christ has ever saw both the starting and ending place when they started their journey. Yet, we plod on. Some call it blind faith, but…
How do I know if I am saved? Can anyone really know this side of eternity? I have found that people who ask if they are saved or not usually are not…… Just kidding. The Lord wants us to settle this in our heart while the devil doesn’t want us…