No matter how we look at it, we are a blessed people here in the United States. Even more so, we are a super blessed people in the Body of Christ. We can easily lose sight of that if we allow the negativity of the world to rob our joy. …
Life is full of choices. Some are hard and some are easy. I think it is easier to make one big choice instead of a bunch of little ones. If we just choose to obey God’s Word instead of just having to decide bits and pieces, our life will get…
Would you consider yourself to be a “blessable” person? Meaning, based on how you live your life or what you do for God, are you worthy of God’s blessing upon your life? We all want a life that is blessed by God but how do we get it? Is it…
Human love can be like the weather; extreme changes can happen. In one day, there can be a 40-degree shift. One day you can be at the Equator and the next day you are on a polar ice cap. True love or the God kind of love isn’t like that. …
The words we speak have influence. They will either influence for the good or for the bad. We need to be more responsible for the words we speak. We need to stop telling it like it is and start telling it like we want it to be.